toddlers do strange things. aubrey has decided that "down your shirt" is considered your pocket. (i vaguely remember her picking this up from her second cousins...emily & olivia.) pretty much anything can go in your pocket. your juice cup. your bunny (seen). even your home depot credit card.
yep.... see things don't just go in your own pocket, you can put things in other peoples pockets too. like the home depot credit card for instance, which got shoved down the front of my shirt while talking to the appliance guy at the home depot. i am guessing this is just the beginning of my children embarrassing me in public. guess it's payback time.... i just know my parents are chuckling at this.
That's too cute! Wait till she starts saying things to/about total strangers in public! Sammy will say things like asking if the pizza guy is coming inside (when I'm home alone) and I want to quick lock the door and then crawl under a rock! Or yell "what's her name?" about a neighbor walking by or whatever. Funny! She's adorable!!!!!
You can't imagine...what is yet to come.. someday she may ask a total stranger to take her to the potty.
But, those are the memories that stay forever.
Enjoy all of them!!!!!!!
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