Thursday, August 30, 2007

august 3rd, 2007 - DR journal

i haven't written in three days. i've been discouraged, but not sure i wanted to share. i have been ordered to bed rest by matt and the team leaders. i have been in awful pain for almost three days. i have been in bed since wednesday night... today is friday. not really how i expected to spend this missions trip, but i think that is one of the things God is trying to teach me about... my "to high" expectations and my need for control, both which have been stripped from me.

i spent yesterday afternoon in a dominican doctor's office. found out i was having "importante" (important) contractions. guess he was trying to say they were the real deal, not just braxton hicks. praise the Lord I had one while I was in the office. he wound up checking everything over twice. susie, matt & i got to see the baby. the doctor said the baby was moving well and it's heart rate was good, but they put me on some medicine to stop the contractions.

it's hard to watch the group having fun without me. i feel like i am missing everything.

bored bed rest self-portrait.

last night matt & aubrey went to dinner at the home of a dominican family. matt had fun stories about trying out his spanish. they showed them photos of our family and had a wonderful meal. (i think i was having pollo victorina for the 3rd time.)

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