Tuesday, December 08, 2009

my first baby girl

you hold a special place in your heart for your first little baby. as i looked back over my journals i found the prayer i wrote when aubrey was born. i wanted to share it with you.

you will never understand how much your God loves you... how amazing His grace is... how much you need His strength to get through the next moment until you look into the face of your child.

Aubrey is here.... and i am in love. i am overwhelmed with the desire to nurture & protect her. is this how God feels about us? so much love your heart could break. i wish i could give my daughter even just a portion of the love & grace that my God has given me.

Father God, i am overwhelmed. this is all so new to me & i am scared to death. i don't have a clue how to take care of this little girl. how to lead her to your throne... i want so much for her not just to be fed & loved... i want her to know & love you. to have a heart for this world... that she would have a desire to lead people to you.

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