Thursday, February 21, 2008

what are you doing at 6:30 AM?

who would have thought 7:00 was sleeping in? i remember days where matt and i wouldn't crawl out of bed until well after 10. those days are long gone. tuesday morning everyone decided that 7:00 was just to long to wait to start the day. i tried to get both girls to just lay down for another few minutes. didn't work. i gave up. well, at least they are pleasant in the morning.


Anonymous said...

You must always have a camera around your neck. You get every day, precious memory shots.
Your girls are smiling and happy and 6:30 A.M. how blessed you are.
Sorry about the missed sleep. I would like to tell you, you get to sleep in again ...but, never sure how long that will be
Oh well, just enjoy your little lambs.

Cinzia said...

I am sleeping at 6:30, I always told my kids to go back to sleep I told them it was the middle of the night! It worked ! Anna used to sleep until 3 p.m.!

But at least yours are mega cute!