Friday, June 04, 2010

Strawberry Festival

These amazing shots are courtesy of my amazing husband.
Matt O'Malley

Going to the Strawberry Festival is a bit of an experience. Mostly a reminder that we are not going to let our teenage girls leave the house. We have gone for the past couple of years to taste the food (I mean what are festivals really about, but french fries, funnel cake and other yummy treats.) The girls both got to ride a ride. Aubrey went with Daddy on the Superman ride. Can't believe my little girl is that big. Daddy was wonderful and took the girls on whatever (of the 3 rides that we felt like paying for) they wanted... and Mommy got to keep her feet firmly planted on the ground, which is more and more appealing as I get older. Seriously.... who wants to be spun around in circles. Oh, my children who are spinning each other around in a desk chair as I type this.

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