i think we are insane. in an attempt for one last "girls time" before baby abbey was born...jen, april and i (and all of the children) headed out to lancaster for a trip to the new olive garden. sitting and having soup, salad and breadsticks would have made the whole crazy trip worth it, but to our dismay, they decided not to open until 4:00 their first week. this left us with only ruby tuesdays as an option. (which we could have done a lot closer to home...and isn't nearly worth the trip that olive garden was.) we had already hit the outlets and the kids were getting punchy. so in a last ditch effort to keep our sanity we let the kids climb under the table and ignored the judging looks from people at other tables. the kids were having a blast, and if you could ignore the screaming and giggling from under the table...it might have actually felt like we were alone.
we are now a group of three moms with 7, yes 7 kids... this means one less hand then child making anything we do together now even more of a production, but completely worth it.
check out the newest addition to our little group, abbey grace mclaughlin.
Watch out 3 moms and 7 kids... Olive Garden is coming to a the shopping center near the CHURCH!!! Yeah!! The kids are cute and the pictures are great!!! Glad you carry your camera.
-Jen Pixley
HA.......There was a time 3 moms took 8 children (3 0f them about 18 months ) to the shore with 2 playpens, coaches.diaper bags, pails and shoves, cooler for drinks and sandwiches and change of clothes for hoy or cold weather....top that!!!!
Of course, poor Mrs. N. never went again .
But what great fun and wonderful memories.
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