Thursday, April 10, 2008

the "what nice warm weather" post

ah, what nice warm weather we are having. taste of spring. why not go and wash our car in our underwear (not me). i finally got an opportunity to clean the car. no exaggeration there was about an inch of goldfish and cheerios crusted to the floor. while aubrey napped up in her room, leah napped in her carseat in the car listening to the radio and the white noise mommy vacuuming out the car. the washing of the car was a last minute decision to entertain a two year old for the last hour before daddy got home. poor daddy had to wash it again though. aubrey and i really didn't do a very good job on the outside... just soaped it up for fun (left mad soap spots and streaks.) it was awesome!


Anonymous said...

What a cute kid...she reminds me of my own:0)
helping daddy with washing the car was always a treat. At least you were smart enough to have her in her underwear. I remenber saying foolish things like "don't get dirty " or " don't get all wet" ...silly mom.
I still remember the pictures taken a few days apart. You and dad washing the car and then 10 days later , making snow-men. Honest.!!!

Lyryn said...

How old do they have to be to do that? I guess I couldn't get Jayden to do that. Ha! She is too cute!