right now aubrey is staying at grammy and pappy's house overnight, this gives matt the opportunity to work on her room without waking her up. leah is asleep in her pack-n-play, waiting for mommy to give up on being up and take her to her cradle to sleep.
just wanted to give you all a quick update on what was going on with us. leah is almost 7 weeks old and the kid is adorable. i know everyone thinks their own kid is adorable... but she really is. she loves being held and is a total cuddle bunny. she has smiled her first smiles, but i have yet to have the camera out at the right time. i will try to document it asap. the kid is totally alert, but how can you not be with your sister giddy, screaming and dancing around the room just feet from your head.
aubrey loves her little sister and has been a huge help around the house. she is becoming a pro at making sure leah has her paci, and is great at running to grab whatever i need when i am feeding the baby. she loves to cover leah with her blanky and give her whatever she is playing with... i am hoping this continues when leah is old enough to actually WANT whatever it is that aubrey is handing her.
aubrey is talking up a storm. the things that come out of her mouth amaze me. i may have to copy my friend jen and make a list of some of some aubrey-isms.
matt is working hard and trying to finish the girls rooms. were in no big hurry yet, i am a little nervous about aubrey moving up to the third floor. i have never had my little girl so far away from me at night.
not much is going on with me. loving being a mom. it is the hardest but most rewarding thing i have ever done.
well, i think my five minutes is up... guess i should head to bed. i am going to be wiped out tomorrow morning. should have thought of that.
I can finally log on....YEAH
now I can tell you ,your girls get more beautiful every day.
You are an amazing women, and you and Matt are wonderful parents.
How blessed your girls are to have you as parents.
How blessed you are to be able to fully enjoy your family.
Aubrey and Leah are so adorable! I love "peeking in" on your family and seeing how you're doing! I'd love to see you (in person) some day and catch up...
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