friday at 11:45ish i get a call from melissa: "i'm not joking with you this time... i'm at the hospital and they're sending me over to labor and delivery to have a c section."
naturally i responded "your joking right, your not being serious." and so the story begins.
melissa had gone to the hospital to have yet another ultrasound and the verdict was that leah was the amazing shrinking baby. each time measuring a little bit smaller than before. so the doctor said "better out than in..."
so i got off the phone and looked over at greg lusby (as we stood in the tiny electrical closet of the office building we were working in) and said "did you hear all that?"
greg said "yeah."
i said "ummm.... i guess i have to go?"
off the the hospital i went. apparently to sit and wait for a bit, which i did not think was usually part of a un-planned, last minute, not necessarily emergency c section. in any event i arrived at the hospital around 12:15pm. first the plan was 1:30pm she was going in... then 2:30pm. then finally the anesthesiologist arrived (he's the one we were apparently waiting for)... and he said "umm... it's going to be a little longer i have to go back downstairs for an emergency."
we said "no big deal... no rush"
finally around 4:15pm melissa was wheeled into the OR to get her spinal (which is some mysterious thing that apparently husbands are not allowed to watch)
by 4:25pm they were calling me in.
by 4:33pm Leah Angely O'Malley was born.
6 lbs. 1 oz. 18" long
She is beautiful. I am glad she is healthy and hope Mom is doing well too. Congratulations!!!
YAY>.. WELCOME :) I hope Mom Dad Sister and Baby are doing well!!!!!! She is amazing
Congratulations!!! She's beautiful! I asked your dad the details and he didn't know! He just knew her name and that you were both doing well! =) At least he knew the most important things!! So happy for you and your beautiful family!!!
AWESOME pictures. LEAH is beautiful; truly a gift from GOD!! God bless you all.
Jennifer Pixley
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